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Short Artistic Biograpy

My name is Simone and I am a flowartist, performer and acrodancer specialized in the manipulation of objects and fire shows . 
In the last 13 years I have deepened the Flowarts disciplines with the Contact Staff, Poi/Bolas and the use of fire and flames as an expressive tool. During this time I have integrated and contaminated my knowledge with other disciplines such as capoeira, acrodance, handstands, physical theater, contact dance and somatic movement, studying with many professionals of the performing and circus world.



Since 2011 I have worked in numerous festivals, artistic events, medieval festivals in Italy performing my shows "Sparks in the Street "", "Fireworks" and "Alchemical Sparks". The primordial element of fire and the study of body movement are the fulcrum and leitmotif of my expressive research.
In 2014, I open in Pisa an artistic-cultural center, which becomes the heart of meetings between many artistic realities such as theater, dance, circus: the space MixArt. 
At MixArt I work on circus aducation and training, teaching of Flow Arts (Contact Staff and Poi-Bolas) and the management of artistic activities and events.
In 2016 i found the association Arti Pendenti, with the aim of spreading the world of the circus and the street arts in Tuscany. Since then I have been the artistic director of the Pisa Busker Festival and other events and festivals in Italy.
In 2019 I studied at the Philip Radice Physical Theatre Atelier in Turin.

Today my activities continue with :


- Creation and production of shows and performances with fire

- Artistic direction of festivals and the organization of retreats, collaborating with various Italian and international artists.

- Teaching of FlowArts, Floorwork ,Acrodance , Handstand, Contact improvisation.

- Craft production and custom creations of equipment for FlowArts and fire ( Fire Poi, Contact Staffs, juggling staff,  cups, ropes, Stars, Palm Torch, scenography and fire skirt) in my lab Vulcan Fire Shop.

- Production of products derived from the working of metals and wood.

Some of the teachers I studied with :

>Dance ,Floorwork, Research on movement and Acrodance : 
Andrea Cerrato, Tom Weksler ,Alain Fernandez ,Daniele Sardella ,Cecilia Alice Manfrini, Vega Lukkonen, Hugh Stainer, Sergio Palomares , Mattias Cizmarik (Ido Portal) , Ambra Occhipinti

>Object Manipulation (FlowArt), Contact Staff and Poi : 
Antii Suniala, Thomas Nevisoul , Alain Fernandez , Vojta Strobenko , Ronan McLoughlin

>Handstand, Fluid and Somatic Movement , Contact Improvvisation : Daniele Sardella (Dansoma)

>Capoeira and Animal-Flow: Rildson Lima De Freitas

>Yoga ,functional training ,prevention of injuries : Olivia Mancino

>Clown : Jef Johnson and Jean Meningue

>Study of the character and the performance ,Use of Fire and Flames: Alexsander De Bastiani ,Anton Bonura ,Carlo III

>Physical Theatre : Atelier physical theatre Philiph Radice , Turin year 2019-2020